Tether Your Furniture - A Mom's Plea

Oldest and Papa - a week after the accident It was a beautiful summer day. The sun was shining and we had just gotten back from getting E's vaccinations. We had spent the morning at the public health office and then getting groceries. When we got home, I put the kids down for a nap and was beginning to clean my main floor. I was just starting to pick up the toys, reflecting on how amazingly the morning had gone (I had 2 kids under 2 and I seamlessly did early morning vaccinations and grocery shopping so I was feeling pretty good!) BOOM Everything changed. That was the loudest sound I have ever heard in my life, and as soon as I heard it I knew what had happened. I raced upstairs, screaming B's name while praying that he was okay... I remember pausing at the door prior to opening it and hoping that I wasn't about to find his body. I opened the door to find my oldest son under his 4-drawer IKEA dresser, only his diapered bottom sticking out. He wasn't crying. I...