Don't cry over spilled laundry soap...

It's been a stressful day. The kids have driven me absolutely nuts with requests of endless afterschool snacks, fighting over video games, fighting over the TV channel, fighting about literally everything... My house is a disaster because let's face it, I am the worst housekeeper in the history of the world. Our home generally looks like it belongs in an episode of Hoarders (okay, maybe it's not that bad) and it does a number on my mental health. The clutter and endless laundry and the fact that I have three kids that have never been made to do chores (this is totally and completely my fault) mean that there is a never-ending list of things that need to be done. Even on the days where I feel like I have accomplished so much, it still looks like I haven't done much of anything. This day, in particular, I had made a beautiful steak and baked potato dinner. It was fantastic, the steak was perfectly grilled, which for me is a rare occurrence as I am known to burn eve...